Thailand Elite Visa

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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out this list of our most commonly asked questions to find the answer you’re looking for. Please get in touch with us in case you couldn’t find your question here

Thailand Elite is for a few selected by invitation out of people from different arena. Please feel free to contact us on email at or call at +66661422280 for further detail.

After picking up a request or invitation to join, please don’t make any delay to call our Sales Department on email at or +66661422280 to let you know the documents required for submitting application and payment arrangements. It takes a bit while as the system needs consent from certain government departments.

Our range of services covers everything you could possibly need, starting from the moment you arrive until you leave. Our dedicated team members are here to ensure that all your needs are met. Please feel free to reach out to us or visit our website for any inquiries or assistance. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities.

The single membership incurs a non-refundable payment of 2 (two) million Baht (THB 2,000,000) exclusive of VAT for a time span of 20 years. This offers the Member to the lead benefits and services of a Thailand Elite Membership as described in the Membership Privilege Book. Please visit the website or email to for more information.

Sorry, the entitled services are confined to the Member alone. His or her family members or guests may be offered special arrangements. Please, communicate with our info desk at email to for more information.

For regular information visit our website or contact our Member Conract Center. You may email us asking for further detail at email to for more information

The Member is entitled a special five (5)-year multiple entry VISA with automatic approval of one (1) year stay. The Member doesn’t need to leave Thailand and get back again to extend the length of his or her stay rather he or she should pay just extension fee (1900 THB) as stated in the Thai Immigration and train Service duty charges.

Thailand Elite is for a few selected by invitation out of people from different arena. Please feel free to contact us on email at or+66661422280 for further detail.

The applicant/the Member must have and maintain to have the following qualifications: 1) Being sui juris under Thai law and be at the age of or over twenty (20) years; 2) Being allowed to stay in Thailand in accordance with the immigration laws or any concerned law of Thailand; 3) Holding foreign passport; 4) Not having been sentenced any punishment whatsoever, physical or pecuniary, in any countries save an offence committed resulting from negligence; 5) Not facing trial as bankrupt; and 6) Not being declared as psychologically or mentally imbalanced;
The Member is offered with special concierge services of dealing with the Thai Government Sectors and the Private Sectors to promote business opportunity and investment facilities that are limited to Members only.
The Member just needs to make a request for service to our Member Contact Centre by phone, fax or email in advance as per our service policy. Then our Member Contact Centre agent will arrange or make things arranged for Member within 24 hours.


Contact Us if You Are Looking for a Visa Application

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